
Showing posts from January, 2018

Kairos & Doxa

Kairos is a "propitious moment for a decision or action" in other words it means the right setting/time in order to begin an argument.  Kairos is important because audience is important. It would be wrong to begin an argument with a crowd of people who are uncomfortable with the topic in discussion.  There is a time and place for everything and an argument can be much more useful and effective in the right situation. Doxa is a greek word for the common belief or popular opinion.  This tool is used for formation of argument by using common opinions. It is important because your audience is usually intrigued by your argument and have a strong opinon as well as great understanding on the topic.

Week 3 - Kairos and Doxa

What is Kairos and why does it matter? What is Doxa and why does it matter?

Week 1 - Listening Process & Writing Process

Describe your personal listening process. Next, describe your writing process. Upon reflection, how are these related?